• Retail
  • Security
  • Industrial
  • Solar
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Office
  • Roadway

The Company Health and Safety Policy is to create a safe working environment that focuses on a Total Safety Philosophy and prevention of ill health, and injury. Our aim is to implement an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management system, which is based on achieving compliance with our legal and other requirements as a minimum.

The Company will take reasonable measures to ensure that we conduct our business in a safe manner. Our OH&S Management System includes the processes and interactions in accordance with the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007.

The management of health and safety is a fundamental part of our business and our systems are designed to contribute in improving business performance. Managers must ensure that all aspects of our business are managed in a safe manner and must take practical measures to ensure that our activities do not harm our employees, customers, contractors and members of the public.

In order to achieve good health and safety performance, adequate resources will be provided to implement this policy and associated improvement programmes. The Company will ensure that safe and healthy working conditions are provided and maintained in an efficient order. Risk assessments will be undertaken for all of our hazardous operations and safe systems of work; safe plant and equipment; instruction and training will be provided in order for our employees to work safely.

The Company will establish, implement and maintain standards and targets in order to improve performance against our OH&S objectives that cover our operational parameters for health and safety. We will continually assess our safety performance by monitoring OH&S through internal auditing, analysing data, reviewing performance and implementing corrective and preventive actions.

Managers must be conversant with the contents of this policy and must plan, regularly review and develop this policy. All employees are required to comply with this policy and must understand their specific responsibilities. These are outlined in the Organisation Responsibilities and Arrangements sections and include co-operating with the Company on safety matters and taking care of their own health and safety and the safety of others affected by their work activities.

Every employee has the right to raise health and safety concerns with a Manager. Effective two way communication and consultation of health and safety is essential and will be achieved by health and safety being an agenda item at meetings and during employee consultations.

The policy will be communicated to all employees through induction training and an up to date copy will be displayed at each location. Furthermore each employee will be provided with a health and safety handbook. All employees, visitors and contractors are also required to comply with its requirements. A copy of the policy will be made available to interested parties.

The policy will be reviewed at management review meetings.